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If the freelancer is in a situation where he/she no longer meets the conditions of the flat-rate tax, the taxpayer is obligated to file a tax return. Which specific situations require filing a tax return? How to file a tax return?
If you are self-employed, there are three ways to tax expenses on your tax return. The simplest is to use flat rate expenses. Who can use a flat rate and how much? Up to what limit?
The tax season is here again and we have prepared a brief overview of its most pleasant part - tax discounts.
Approaching the end of April, one of the more difficult periods of the tax year is nearly over, but the are still important deadlines for you to keep in mind. In this article, we'll go over the ways to file a tax return in the Czech Republic.
In this frustrating situation many of us have different complications, especially financial. So, if you worked abroad in the previous 5 years, you will be interested in our offer. NeoTax will help you get a refund from EU countries.
Have you worked and paid taxes in the Czech Republic? How much money can you get back?
Income Tax Refund from Czech Republic
All employed and self-employed individuals working in Czech Republic pay 15% income tax on their earnings and they have the right to get their taxes back under special circumstances when leaving the country.
Understanding the so-called Potvrzení pro rok can be harder than it seems. In this article, we answer the most frequently asked questions and compiled a guide on how to fill it in correctly.